Give To build Night and day prayer in Salem
Salem House of Prayer is entirely funded by the donations of individuals and businesses who partner with us through monthly and one-time gifts.
All of our staff are home missionaries and raise their own financial support to sustain their full time or part time service at SHOP. You may direct your gift to one of our staff members by clicking on Missionaries. NOTE: As required as a 501c3 all gifts are at the full control and discretion of the Salem House of Prayer, However we try to always honor the requests of our givers to make sure funds are directed to the requested person and focus. If you do not need a tax benefit from your giving please contact the recipient directly for other ways to give. Other Methods: You can Give by Text: Just text "give" to (616) 557-6411 and follow the prompts to set up your first gift, after that its as easy as a 2 word text! Give a check by Mail: PO Box 13502 Salem, OR 97309 Tip: You can help us save on processing fees by selecting ACH eCheck as your payment method. |