welcome to SALEM's House of Prayer
SHOP is a ministry committed to the mandate of building and sustaining a corporate alter of ceaseless prayer and worship in Oregon. A place established by God, owned and fueled by the churches of Salem, and offered to Jesus with all our hearts. Visit our WHY? page for more info.
Church Sign up for the Wall of Prayer
House of Prayer EVENTS click here to see whats happening!
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248 Liberty St NE Salem, OR 97301 (Front Café address)

The main entrance to the Prayer Room is actually behind our Cafe. You can pay to park in the diamond parking lot across from the bus station, or park for free on the street (3 hr. limit). The door is in the alley, clearly marked. if you are inside the café we are in the back, through the double doors.
SHOP Community APp.
Access to sermon notes, volunteer opportunities, giving, submit testimonies etc... (this is in development right now but will be improved. )